Our grant funds

Our funding programmes support projects to increase participation in walking, active travel, and improve community paths for travel and recreation.

Active Travel Hub Walk

We have a range of grant funds for projects which contribute to our goal of creating a happier, healthier, greener Scotland where everyone can be active every day.


Ian Findlay Path Fund - Open for Expressions of Interest

Summary: A £1.2 million Active Travel fund for community and third sector organisations to support the improvement of path networks and routes. Projects will improve the accessibility and resilience of paths to make it easier for people to choose active travel and public transport for everyday journeys. 
​Grant size: Up to £100,000
Application: open for expressions of interest


Community Project Transition Fund currently closed

Summary: Funding for community and third sector organisaitons to support behaviour change programmes to increase walking, wheeling and cycling in local communities.
Grant size: £5,000 to £100,000
Application: open for expressions of interest


Walking for Health Grant Fund – currently closed

Summary: Funding for Scottish Health Walk Network members only to increase and diversify the number of people taking part in Health Walks in Scotland.

Grant size: £5,000 up to £20,000
Application: This fund is now closed. Scottish Health Walk Network members will be notified if the Fund opens.


Community Paths - Active Travel Grants - currently closed

Summary: Funding to support communities to improve and promote paths and routes that will make it easier for people to walk, wheel or cycle for everyday journeys.
Grant size: Up to £3,000.
Application: The fund is currently closed.


Community Paths Grants Fund - currently closed

Summary: Small grants to support communities to create, promote and maintain local community paths.
Grant size: Up to £1,800
Application: This round of funding will close when all available funds have been allocated, or by 1st March 2024.


Smarter Choices Smarter Places - Open Fund - currently closed

Summary: Grants are for public, third and community sector organisations to encourage people to change their everyday travel behaviours increasing walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport use.
Grant size: £5,000 to £100,000
Application: Open 6 June 2023 to 31 March 2024 or until all funding allocated.


Smarter Choices Smarter Places - Local Authority Fund - currently closed

Summary: This fund supports Scottish local authorities to change behaviours to encourage more journeys by foot, bike and public transport.
Grant size: £5.5 million allocated to local authorities by population.


Smarter Choices Smarter Places - Active Nation Fund - currently closed

Summary: Grants are for public, third and community sector organisations, working nationally or across two or more local authority areas, to encourage people to drive less and to walk, wheel or cycle as part of their everyday short journeys. 
Grant size: £100,000 to £200,000
Application: closed for applications


Need support?

Get in touch with our team to discuss your project.

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