Paths for All seeks your input on our brand refresh

We're asking for views from our partners, supporters, and the wider community as we embark on updating our brand

Paths for All logo

We need your views and opinions

We at Paths for All are inviting our audiences to complete a short survey to help shape the future direction of our brand. We want to ensure our brand continues to resonate with our stakeholders, volunteers and people in communities.

Anna Mitchell, Communications and Marketing Manager at Paths for All. said:

"We're embarking on exciting work to refresh the look and feel of Paths for All. This work will ensure our brand identity accurately reflects who we are and what we stand for. By gathering feedback from our supporters, we can ensure that our brand remains relevant, inspiring, and effective in promoting walking and active lifestyles."

Our survey asks participants about their perceptions of Paths for All, including our messaging, visual identity, and effectiveness of our branding. The information gathered will inform the development of a refreshed brand that better aligns with our charity's mission and values.

We're excited to hear from people in our professional networks, partners, volunteers and the wider community. Your input will be invaluable in helping us create a brand that inspires and motivates people to walk more and be active.

The survey is available online and should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential. The survey closes on Monday September 30th.