Order our Strength and Balance resources

Find, view and order our Strength and Balance resources and training courses

Our resources can help care staff, health professionals and Health Walk leaders to promote Strength and Balance, along with everyday walking, to adults in a variety of outdoor and indoor settings.

For inspiration on how to use the wall stickers, read this case study on how staff in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are using them on hospital wards to help keep patients moving.

To book a Strength and Balance training course, please email training@pathsforall.org.uk

We have also produced real-time animations which you can watch and follow along with. These short videos will teach you eight Strength and Balance exercises.

Strength & Balance Resources

Unfortunately we are unable to fulfil orders for our Strength and Balance resources at this time. We hope to resolve this situation as soon as possible. If you have already paid by PayPal we will refund this to you and be in touch once we are able to fulfil orders. If you are looking for Strength & Balance leaflets we have a free download.