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CRT Game On Active

Project contact

Local Authority
Contact Details
Sean Laird
01259 230910
Web address

When & Where

Please see the individual walks below for times and locations

Coalfields Regeneration Trust (CRT) recognises the need to continue engaging with all members of the community from our most deprived former mining areas, and the importance of introducing them to the life-changing benefits of sport and physical activity.

Game On is the Trust’s Sport for Change programme, which through direct delivery of sport-based activity for the last 15 years has helped people in some of our most disadvantaged coalfield communities gain new skills, achieve qualifications, find work and become more active – making lives better through sport & physical activity.

CRT Game On is now offering health walks which are low level, accessible, short group walks that are free to attend, led by trained Walk Leaders along a risk assessed route, and support the most inactive people to take part.

Health Walks within this project

CRT Game On Active

CRT Game On Active

1 pm - 2.30 pm