Dundee health professionals can now direct patients to a range of green activities and healthy travel options through the Green Health Prescription Project. Supported by our Smarter Choices Smarter Places Open Fund, Volunteer Dundee appointed a Green Health Development Officer, who has been able to implement and deliver the pilot project.
We have so far received 175 Green Health Prescriptions from a range of GPs, allied health professionals and community prescribers.
Through consultations with service users we have been able to determine active travel habits and guide patients towards activities in green spaces in and around Dundee, including Health Walks, gentle cycling, tai chi and yoga.
The service is delivered by Volunteer Dundee, through the existing Dial-OP Information Line service and in collaboration with the Green Health Partnership. They are also working with Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside, a range of third sector organisations and individuals who promote the benefits of the natural environment for health and wellbeing benefits.
Paths for All can offer a range of support for Health Professionals to help promote walking, strength and balance exercises, and physical activity.